
Han, Joo HunAssociate Professor | Coordinator | Coordinator
- Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management
- 02-958-3324
- joohun.han@kaist.ac.kr
Jang, Dae-ChulInvited Professor
- Social Enterprise, Energy and Environmental Economics and Poli...
- 82-2-958-3391
- nerd@kaist.ac.kr

Jin, ByungchaeAssociate Professor
- Strategy, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship
- 82-2-958-3323
- bjin@kaist.ac.kr
- Homepage

Lee, Ji-HwanAssociate Professor
- Strategic and International Management
- 82-2-958-3616
- jihwanlee@kaist.ac.kr
Paik, YongwookAssociate Professor
- Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Digital Economy, Venture Capital...
- 02-958-3588
- ywpaik@kaist.ac.kr

Park, SangchanAssociate Professor
- Organization theory, innovation of work practices, sustainabil...
- 82-2-958-3318
- parks@kaist.ac.kr
- Homepage
- Content : Bae, ImKoo
- Email : hjchoi7@kaist.ac.kr